
我司承租经营几十台往来于工厂、仓库和码头的集装箱拖头和货车,能够为广大客户提供及时快捷安全可靠的货运服务,无论是一般贸易,还是加工贸易,无论是下码头,还是送仓库,无论是出口清关,还是进口转关,无论是旺季,还是节假日,翼海货运都能够为您提供快捷可靠的货运服务。   翼海国际货运即将推出的内陆口岸封关货车直达香港机场超级货运站的崭新服务即将在珠三角推出。届时,来自珠三角乃至于长三角,内陆省市的货物可以在当地报完关后,使用封关车直接送达香港机场, 大大降低货运代理企业运输成本并为客户节省宝贵时间。 We have our own and independent bonded warehouse under the supervision of Shanghai Customs Bureau, which is equipped with our own bonded trucks that may serve in warehousing, packing, bonded trucking, container loading and devanning; and near PVG we also have our own bonded inbond.warehouse which is set up for short-term storage and quick pick up. By the help of these transportation facilities, we have extended our import service to the fields of urltra large goods, frozen goods and high-value goods.The export warehouse locates in Pudong airport with convenient transportation and well-equipped facilities, ensuring us to deliver a 24h service. Now SZT has gained a marvelous achievement in all aspects of the freight forwarding industry; won the respect and a good reputation from our clients for our excellence.服务范围空运进口操作:提供进口换单、协助商检、安排送货服务监管库:在机场设有海关监管库,为进口货物提供舱管、分拨等服务市场和销售:专业的销售人员将为现有客户、潜在客户和合作伙伴提供最新运价信息及最佳物流解决方案;可直接联系客户,提供运价、航运信息、货物跟踪查询等服务空运机场终端服务:提供机场接货、贴标签、入库和报关及准备随机文件海关报关:对出口报关和进口清关提供专业解决方案空运出口操作:提供订舱、单证、提货信息查询等服务