
f you’re shipping a palette of feathers, for example, the shipper would charge you by dimensional weight. Otherwise, they’d lose money because the real weight is so light.

If you wonder what the cut-off is between real weight and dimensional weight, contact the freight forwarder.

Choosing the Right Shipping Company

A key part of shipping to Thailand is to choose the right shipping company.

We have insider tips on this matter, including a list of shipping companies that you might want to consider.

It’s one of our 100+ exclusive pieces of content available only to our premium subscribers.

To get access, please become a subscriber.公司凝聚了素质高、技能强、深谙物流管理的人才,拥有经过专业培训的装卸队伍,积累了丰富的实践管理经验并提供良好的服务。


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